Kanz is an exclusive line of products that aims at reviving the potential of a land and empowering its people that’s made by Beit el baraka.
Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, it’s harvested by hand from the Crocus sativus flower, commonly known as the saffron crocus.
Saffron is a powerful antioxidant as it contains several carotenoid pigments like crocin and crocetin these two have antidepressant properties, protect brain cells against progressive damage, improve inflammation, reduce appetite and aid weight loss.
Saffron also contains a compound safranal that gives saffron its distinct taste and aroma, it helps improve your mood, memory, and learning ability, as well as protects your brain cells against oxidative stress.
And kaempferol is found in saffron flower petals. This compound has been linked to health benefits, such as reduced inflammation, anticancer properties, and antidepressant activity.
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