Sencha green tea is a renowned Japanese tea known for its distinct characteristics and widespread popularity. Crafted from the young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, this tea undergoes a unique steaming, rolling, and drying process to preserve its vibrant green color and natural flavors. The resulting brew offers a delightful combination of fresh, grassy notes with a subtle sweetness, making it a refreshing and invigorating choice. Sencha is celebrated for its moderate caffeine content, making it a suitable option for those seeking a gentle energy boost. Rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, this tea is believed to provide various health benefits, including supporting heart health and metabolism.

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Boil 220ml of water per person and infuse herbs for 5-7 minutes.


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Weight : 15
Weight Unit : EACH
Country Of Origin : LEBANON
SKU: 118414 Category:


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Sencha green tea is a renowned Japanese tea known for its distinct characteristics and widespread popularity. Crafted from the young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, this tea undergoes a unique steaming, rolling, and drying process to preserve its vibrant green color and natural flavors. The resulting brew offers a delightful combination of fresh, grassy notes with a subtle sweetness, making it a refreshing and invigorating choice. Sencha is celebrated for its moderate caffeine content, making it a suitable option for those seeking a gentle energy boost. Rich in antioxidants, particularly catechins, this tea is believed to provide various health benefits, including supporting heart health and metabolism.

Weight 15 kg
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